Arewatees, Fashion

Renewing Peace in Nigeria: A Call to Rekindle Love and Patriotism

Reflecting on a Journey of Words

In a world filled with noise and chaos, the yearning for peace becomes more profound with each passing day. As I sat down to pen my thoughts for this blog post, the distant drone of the television served as a backdrop to my contemplation. Amidst the sea of words on the pages before me, a deep sense of dissatisfaction washed over me. It was then that a recurring news report caught my attention – the Niger coup. This incident served as a stark reminder of the elusive concept of peace and its relevance in our global landscape.

As my mind wandered, I found myself drawn to the critical role that Arewatees, an inspired t-shirt brand, has the potential to play in today’s society. In a world replete with conflicts and the constant murmur of discord, the need for peace advocacy has never been more pressing. Nigeria, our beloved nation, stands at a crossroads, and amidst the tumultuous tides threatening to tear us apart, a single question resonates: What path will Nigeria choose?

A Glimpse into the Present: The Niger Coup

Amidst the looming shadows, peace seems to have become a mirage, slipping farther from our grasp with each passing day. Yet, even more elusive is its elder sibling, patriotism. The flame of love for our nation is waning, buffeted by the storms of hardship that relentlessly batter us. The camel’s back, which has borne the weight of challenges and adversities, seems not only broken but also on the brink of its final breath.

This dire situation compels us to retrace our steps, to introspect and reevaluate our motivations, and to undergo a profound awakening. The dream of a united Nigeria, once so vivid, now recedes like a distant memory. The anthem, a harmonious symphony that once stirred hearts, is fading into oblivion. The pledge, once recited with fervor, has become a bitter pill to swallow.

We find ourselves failing to embody the ideals of peace and unity that our heroes of yore envisioned. The toils of those who came before us, whose sacrifices paved the way for our present, are being trampled upon and dragged through the muddy streets of neglect. The radiance that once illuminated our nation’s eyes is dimming, obscured by the fog of apathy.

In this trying time, the call to action is clear. We must reclaim our devotion to Nigeria and reignite the patriotic fervor that once burned within us. Arewatees, with its mission to champion peace and kindle love for Nigeria, stands as a beacon of hope. Through the power of symbols and messages emblazoned on t-shirts, it has the potential to remind us of our shared identity, to invoke the memory of our forebearers, and to reignite the passion for a united Nigeria.

Embracing the Role of Arewatees

Let us rally around this clarion call. Let us wear our patriotism proudly, not just on our sleeves but across our chests, and let the message of peace radiate from us. Together, we can infuse life into the fading dreams of unity and prosperity. Together, we can forge a path towards a Nigeria where peace flourishes, patriotism is fervently alive, and our collective spirits soar once more.


About Arewatees

Arewatees is a lifestyle apparel brand on a mission to build peace in the world through African-inspired designs. We find inspiration in the wealth of stories that abound in our home country Nigeria and the African continent at large. Each collection we release to the world, results from thoughtful collaborations that give form to designs rooted in culture but imbued with a universal appeal. Beyond our quality apparel and inspiring designs making you look cool and fashionable, your connection with our brand contributes to peace-building initiatives driven by us to impact the world in tangible ways.